Last First Day

 Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today is my last first day of school...ever!
Well, unless I am blessed with children and take them to their first days.
Or if I become a professor and have a first day of school-teaching.

But, I am still very excited about the prospect of graduating and starting my life as a social worker!  All the hard work, time reading, working on papers, interning at various social service agencies, and time stressing out will pay off in December when I will get my Master's Degree.

To start off my last-first-day-of-school morning, I made myself an egg-white omelet with ham, one piece of bacon, a small amount of cheddar cheese, mushrooms, and tomatoes.  I also ate a banana and had a small glass of apple-cranberry juice.

This morning meal was created with the help of Bethenny Frankel's book "Naturally Thin".  This recipe idea wasn't in the book exactly, but Bethenny does talk about your "diet bank account".  This bank account, much like one you have to manage your finances, also manages what you eat each day.  So, if I eat a healthy breakfast and a small lunch, I can have a larger dinner and more sweets later.  It's all about checks and balances.  I like this concept a lot.  So, in an effort to live out a "Naturally Thin Lifestyle", I attempted to eat a (mostly) healthy breakfast and have nutritious snacks throughout the day so I don't feel guilty when I eat a piece of cake later.  :)  I'll keep you posted on my journey through Bethenny's book-afterall, this is the first day I'm trying out this "diet bank account" concept.

Now, I'm off to make my healthy lunch/snack pack for the rest of the day.  I have class from noon until 8pm (plus driving home), so I have a long day ahead of me.  I hope your day is absolutely fantastic!


Mom,  September 3, 2010 at 5:40 AM  

I like that you packed a "snack pack" and not a snack sack! LOL

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