
 Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dear Readers,

I realize that I need to be more faithful in writing these blog entries- not necessarily because I think I have a HUGE following who is dying to read each day, but because I wanted to document my life, and I have lacked to do so consistently.

So, what has my life consisted of lately?  I'm still doing my internship at CHW, which has been wonderful and challenging at the same time.  The summer is "trauma season", so we have a lot of patients coming in with broken bones and traumatic brain injuries.  Drownings and burns come in frequently as well, due to swimming and campfires in nicer weather.  The internship has been great- I've learned a lot about the medical field and a lot about myself.  A few things I will take away from this experience:

1.  I will not always agree with my clients' decisions with regards to choices that affect their family.
2.  We should all recognize how blessed we are if we can walk, talk, move our limbs, and understand what people are saying when they speak to us. 
3.  Nobody can ever fully understand what someone else is going through in their life.  Nobody's life experiences are identical.
4.  Good coworkers make a job more enjoyable, and bad coworkers can make a job miserable.  Luckily, I have had experience with the former at CHW and not the latter.

Aside from my internship, I am still in school over the summer.  I'm taking a course on Dual-Diagnosed Clients (those who have both a mental illness and substance use/abuse/dependence issues).  It has been a really interesting class, but may not be exactly the area of social work I plan to go into.  Only God knows where I'll end up...

Over the summer, so far at least, I have been blessed with time to read for enjoyment.  Not only am I reading my Chronological Bible (mentioned in a previous post), but I am also reading Francine Rivers' series "Mark of the Lion".  I have read her book, Redeeming Love, in the past, and fell in love with it.  My friend Rosie recommended this series after we discussed books a few nights ago.  If you like her as an author and have not read the "Mark of the Lion" series, I would strongly recommend it.  I'm only on book one, A Voice in the Wind, but it is spectacular so far--and hard to put down.

So, a thought to leave you with.  When I was reading through Job in my Chronological Bible (CB), I came across this passage and was left in awe of God, yet again.

"Where then does wisdom come from? Where does understanding dwell? It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing, concealed even from the birds of the air. Destruction and Death say, 'Only a rumor of it has reached our ears.' God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When he established the force of the wind and measured out the waters, when he made a decree for the rain and a path for the thunderstorm, then he looked at wisdom and appraised it; he confirmed it and tested it. And he said to man, 'The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.' " Job 28:20-28


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