
 Monday, August 9, 2010

It is now the official countdown to the end of my internship at Children's Hospital.
I can't believe it's already been 3 semesters there and that this Wednesday is my last day.
Being a medical social work intern has had its ups and downs; emotionally and physically, but has been an amazing experience.

Here are some things I have most enjoyed about the internship:

1.  Learning about medical diagnoses, terms, procedures, medications, and life in the hospital.
2.  Spending time with my field supervisor, Anissa, almost daily and getting to know her better.
3.  Practicing my skills as a social worker and being viewed as a professional by families and staff in the hospital.
4.  Laughing with coworkers daily.
5.  Playing with the kids and developing bonds with them over the past year.
6.  Carrying around a pager, which made me feel *important*.
7.  Showing up to the internship and knowing each day would be different.
8.  Dealing with crises and situations that most people run from (i.e. talking to a family about code-status or working with a child who is intubated).

The internship has been one-of-a-kind and I have really enjoyed my time at Children's Hospital.  It hasn't quite hit me yet that I'll be done in 2 days...

Maybe after prayer, God will open an opportunity to continue there with a full-time social work position.  Either way, I feel so blessed to have gotten the chance to spend time at the hospital and learn all that I did.  I know that my time there was not wasted and that it served a purpose in my life.  :)


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