28 Hours per Week

 Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My supervisor at the Outreach Center and
I have been praying lately about whether the Center's
board of directors would approve bringing me
onto the staff full-time.

This has been quite the topic of conversation lately.
Even prior to graduation, I was being asked about my
plans longer-term with the Center.  I always replied that
"I don't know what the future holds, but I am praying about
where God would have me be long-term.  Right now, I am
thankful for my position and enjoy what I am doing at the Center."

This, I believe, was a good answer to their question....
until the board of directors questioned my commitment to
the Center long-term.  Since I wouldn't give a "straight" answer
about my future at the Outreach Center, the board interpreted my
response as not being committed to the Center at all.

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.
The grant that would have funded my position (back in October)
fell through.  That same week, I received a phone call
that offered me a wonderful position at my "dream" job.

Months have gone by.  I prayed and waited.  Prayed and waited.
Finally, I decided to commit to the Outreach Center.  The board of
directors met to talk with one another about my position and future here.
When they reached a conclusion (based on our resources), they offered
me 28 hours a week. 

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.  I felt a mix of disappointment
and relief.  With this schedule, I am able to pursue the other opportunity
as well as stay at the Center indefinitely.  This is what I had hoped for from day one.
Unfortunately, this schedule also limits the savings I can put together and will not
sustain me long-term.

Now, I sit and wait.  Praying that God would open doors where
I am meant to take opportunities...
and closes doors when I am meant to stay put.

I am so thankful for my position at the Outreach Center. I am thankful for an understanding supervisor who has supported my professional and personal development since day One.  And I am thankful for a God who is always faithful and has my best interest in mind.

I'm hopeful about my future...excited to see how it all fits together.
And I will, of course, keep you posted when I find out.


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