28 Hours per Week

 Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My supervisor at the Outreach Center and
I have been praying lately about whether the Center's
board of directors would approve bringing me
onto the staff full-time.

This has been quite the topic of conversation lately.
Even prior to graduation, I was being asked about my
plans longer-term with the Center.  I always replied that
"I don't know what the future holds, but I am praying about
where God would have me be long-term.  Right now, I am
thankful for my position and enjoy what I am doing at the Center."

This, I believe, was a good answer to their question....
until the board of directors questioned my commitment to
the Center long-term.  Since I wouldn't give a "straight" answer
about my future at the Outreach Center, the board interpreted my
response as not being committed to the Center at all.

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.
The grant that would have funded my position (back in October)
fell through.  That same week, I received a phone call
that offered me a wonderful position at my "dream" job.

Months have gone by.  I prayed and waited.  Prayed and waited.
Finally, I decided to commit to the Outreach Center.  The board of
directors met to talk with one another about my position and future here.
When they reached a conclusion (based on our resources), they offered
me 28 hours a week. 

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.  I felt a mix of disappointment
and relief.  With this schedule, I am able to pursue the other opportunity
as well as stay at the Center indefinitely.  This is what I had hoped for from day one.
Unfortunately, this schedule also limits the savings I can put together and will not
sustain me long-term.

Now, I sit and wait.  Praying that God would open doors where
I am meant to take opportunities...
and closes doors when I am meant to stay put.

I am so thankful for my position at the Outreach Center. I am thankful for an understanding supervisor who has supported my professional and personal development since day One.  And I am thankful for a God who is always faithful and has my best interest in mind.

I'm hopeful about my future...excited to see how it all fits together.
And I will, of course, keep you posted when I find out.


Reborn Babies

 Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have you heard about these?

They are created to resemble a real baby - weighing the same
and having lifelike features.

In fact, the woman who creates these babies 
adds imperfections to each one to make them appear
more real.

Some women purchase these "reborn babies" and
raise them as if they were their own.

It's documented in "My Fake Baby", a documentary
on Showtime.

Your thoughts?
Find out more at:
(Reborn Baby Website) - http://www.reborn-baby.com/


Happy New Year!

It is now the year 2011.
I had a great 2010, but I'm ready for a fresh start.
May this year be filled with God's love, friends, family, 
good memories (yet to be created), love, laughter, and blessings.

Here's to a great year!


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