Full Time

 Monday, August 8, 2011

Today was my first day of full time at the hospital!  
It was wonderful, pretty much the same, 
but now I have an office and a direct phone number.

I'm so excited to start my career at the hospital and am
so blessed to have the position I do now.  I couldn't be more thankful.

I have been reminded lately about how perfect God's timing is.
In the time I have been at the hospital, I have grown in my 
profession and been able to develop relationships with staff and
families.  I am definitely more mature as a social worker today
than I was even 6 months ago (when I started at the hospital).

Thank God for providing exactly what we need.
And I am so thankful for family and friends who are supportive
and a huge encouragement to me.

Now I'm just praying that my orientation/transition into
the new position area goes smoothly.


Workout Plan

 Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am making a decision in my life to start consistently working out again.  I don't have some impossible plan to become a size 2 (I will likely never be that size again), but I do want to start healthy habits that will last a lifetime (I hope).  I'm also reading through a book called "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn.  This book is designed for women to better understand the men in our lives.  If you are a woman and haven't read this book, I would highly recommend it.

The book addresses many topics that are focused on helping us women understand the men in our lives (i.e. how they think, why they do certain things, ways that we can best love and encourage them, etc).  The final topic, which I am currently reading about, talks about the fact that men do care about their woman's appearance, even though they would never tell us that they really do care so much.  A man will notice if a woman cares about how she looks and it emotionally affects him negatively if the woman he loves is dissatisfied with her body, but then doesn't do anything about it.  For example, if a woman complains about the extra pounds she has gained, but then eats junk food all the time, it is really disrespectful and hurtful to the man she is with.  The point is that it matters to him whether we make an effort to improve ourselves, not as much whether we actually lose weight - it's the positive lifestyle changes that matters most.

So, even though *most days* I am content in my body and feel beautiful, I am going to make a decision to live a healthier lifestyle to not only benefit myself, but also to show Bert that I want to look good for him, too - even though he said I already look great in his eyes (what a great guy, hey?).

This workout plan starts tomorrow.  I'll keep you updated about my progress and thoughts as I attempt to start this new habit.  :)  I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday night!


28 Years Together

 Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy 28th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
You two have been great role models for TJ and I.
I appreciate all the time you have spent with us growing up
and how hard you have worked to give us the lives we have.

You two are wonderful and I am so thankful to have you as parents.
I love you both!

 In Columbus, Ohio 2010 - pretty much sums up their relationship :)
Family Picture at TJ's Graduation from CCAD
 A picture taken in 2011 after church one Sunday
 Last year's anniversary picture at Saz's, where my parents met for the first time!


Social Butterfly

 Friday, July 29, 2011

Today I had a wonderful lunch with the ladies at work.  It was one of the best so far.  I'm so thankful for social workers at CHW that are easy to get along with and fun to chat with at work.  I'm looking forward to more times like this; when I feel more like part of a cohesive staff and less like I'm living in someone else's shadow (I am covering for another person's position, afterall).

I hope you all had a great day.

....I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend....
BUT am WAY more excited for next weekend when Bert comes to visit!


. a puppy ? .

 Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How cute is she?
After spending time with my friend's puppy, Summer,
I am seriously considering getting a dog someday.

I'm sure Bert wouldn't mind.


100th Post

This is my much-delayed 100th post.  So much has changed since my last post...

I am still working at CHW, now 4 days a week, but still as an as-needed employee with no benefits or guaranteed hours per week.  This position has kept me busy and it has been wonderful, challenging, humbling, fun, and eye-opening.  I'm still unsure of what opportunities God will open up for me full-time at CHW, but I'm trusting His timing and praying for something to become available soon.

In addition to this, I went to Columbus, OH over Easter this year to visit with my younger brother and I ended up meeting an amazing man named Robert (well, Bert for short).  It was love at first sight...literally.  God has drawn us closer to each other over the past several months and closer to Himself throughout our long distance relationship.  Being apart from Bert has its challenges and struggles, but our relationship is strong and we both believe that this will be worth the wait.  We are visiting each other every 3-4 weeks and hope to live in the same state by May 2012.  Skype dates are also essential to maintaining our connection with each other.  In addition to this, we have grown even closer through doing a couple's devotional together.  I'm really excited to see where God leads us.

Student loans have recently gone into repayment for me.  I'm thankful that they are manageable at this time and am praying for continued discipline in saving money and budgeting properly.  This will be a continued expense over the next several years, so this is just the beginning of the 'JOY' of paying off my debt (not).

I don't think there is anything else to add at this time.  I'll try to be more consistent at posting, but I haven't been very good at this in the past either.  Dear friends, thanks for reading.  I hope you all have a wonderful evening!


99 blog posts on the wall

 Monday, March 21, 2011

This officially marks my 99th blog post ever!  :)
So, it's not really a big deal, but I thought I'd get

I recently started writing in an actual journal next to my bed.
Due to the ease of access and my newfound discipline, 
I write in the journal more than on my blog.

I think my favorite part of the journal is a section that is titled
"Highlight of the Day".  Every night, as I reflect on the past hours
and after reading my Bible, I write my highlight of the day
to have a clear perspective of how God has been faithful
in my life and how prayers have been answered.

It's a great reminder that each day is new 
and there is always something positive if you look for it.



 Monday, March 14, 2011

This weekend was whirlwind.
I took a plane to Columbus, OH.
To then hop into my brother's car and
drive 2 hours south to Cincinnati, OH.

Then, I traveled to the rehearsal dinner.
Back to the hotel.
Woke up early to eat breakfast.
To then hop into my brother's car and drive 
to Newport, KY.
We walked between Kentucky and Ohio.

Then had lunch.
Went back to the hotel to change for the wedding.
Prepared for my scripture reading during the ceremony.
Attending the wedding...and then the reception.
Danced the night away with good friends.

Woke up early the next morning 
(after springing ahead an hour).
Ate breakfast at the hotel again.
Hopped into Trevor's car and drove 7
hours back to WI.

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

View of downtown Cincinnati from Kentucky
The beautiful bride, Corey, and I
The wedding party with confetti at the reception
My brother, TJ, and I
Two of the girls I met at Corey's bachelorette party (Jessica in the middle and Jalie to the right)


So it's been awhile....

 Friday, March 4, 2011

Story of my blog.  It's been a while since I wrote last.  And part of me feels really bad about it, but all this means is that life has taken over and I've been too busy to sit down and publish my thoughts.

Between the last post and this, I have started my job back at Children's Hospital and really love it!  I've gotten a good blend of consults that I have handled in the past, and new ones that I had no first-hand experience with.  It's been a great experience falling back into the swing of things.  And the staff I work with has been nothing but encouraging and wonderful.  I said, on Tuesday, that the people you work with can make or break a job - and the people I work with at Children's definitely make the job more enjoyable.  :)

I still hope for full-time employment at Children's, but am trusting that (when the timing is right), God will provide the perfect opportunity.

Per usual, I have been spending a lot of time with friends lately.  Some of the girls I graduated from high school with are still in my area.  We planned to have a Girl's Night every Wednesday to reconnect and make sure we always make time for each other.  Besides that, I am fully taking advantage of not having classes, or homework, or exams to eat up my time.  It's fantastic!

Sadly, however, this means that I end up doing too much during any given week, and am usually left feeling like I need to catch up on sleep and time alone.  Given the choice, though, I'd still rather invest my time in other people and just sleep in a little bit on a Saturday (as I plan to do tomorrow).

So, life for me right now is pretty mellow.  My days consist of work, spending time with friends and my parents, and sleeping.  I can't really complain.  One thing I need to make more time for, however, is spending quiet time with the Lord.  I do have a pretty active prayer life these days, but I have exhausted myself so much that by the time I think about opening up the Bible, I just want to sleep.  My new goal for the month:  develop a schedule that allows me quality time with the Lord each day.  Key word being quality.  I never want to feel "obligated" to spend time with God, but I also know the importance of discipline and dedication to His Word.  Please pray for me as I pursue God during this time.  When things go well in my life, I tend to forget that God orchestrated it all.  When things go poorly, I cling to Christ.  It shouldn't be like that.

Well, I will leave you with that.  And I do hope to write more often (as I always say).  I think that writing in a blog is a good way to express oneself and can be a great way to track life as it happens.  I hope you all have a wonderful night!  I'm going to spend it with my friend, Michelle.  We're going to Panera, to the movie The Adjustment Bureau, and then to The Melting Pot for dessert.  :)  It should be wonderful!



 Tuesday, February 15, 2011

do you think it is possible for two people,
who used to be in love but are not any longer,
to be friends without it becoming complicated?

i have my thoughts on this, but was curious what other
people thought too.

please let me know your thoughts.




 Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!


A Great Year

This year has been amazing so far.  God has been completely faithful and proven, yet again, that He is in complete control.  Not only have I been blessed with wonderful friends and a great family, but God's timing has been perfect.

This week's sermon at church was about contentment in every circumstance God places you in.  The verses we went over were Philippians 4:10-20.  More specifically, Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  As was taught on Sunday, this verse isn't a promise that we will be successful in anything we attempt because "God promised we can do all things through Him".  This verse speaks to the truth that if we put our hope and joy in Jesus Christ as our Lord, we can do all things because God is our strength.  When we become weak, He is strong.

At this present moment, life is good.  I recently passed my WI State Statute exam to become a Certified Advanced Practice Social Worker.  In order to be certified nationally, I need to take one other exam.  I'm hoping to take the final exam sometime in March.

In addition to passing the State exam, I also got offered a position at Children's Hospital as a medical social worker!  I'm so excited.  I knew that the position would be available sometime soon, but wasn't positive the timing would work out for me to apply and get the position.  Thankfully, God's timing was perfect and I had my temporary social work certification and official transcript just in time for the interview.

With the exception of posting about the position on this blog, I am trying to keep the news a bit of a secret for now since I haven't officially started yet.  I have to go in to the hospital on Wednesday to do some paperwork, but my official start date will be February 22nd.  :)

So, all in all, things have been really good for me lately.  I'm just continuing to pray that the Lord will guard my heart for the right guy and hopefully lead me to my future husband soon!  So far, I'm being patient and waiting for God's perfect timing in this aspect of my life as well.


28 Hours per Week

 Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My supervisor at the Outreach Center and
I have been praying lately about whether the Center's
board of directors would approve bringing me
onto the staff full-time.

This has been quite the topic of conversation lately.
Even prior to graduation, I was being asked about my
plans longer-term with the Center.  I always replied that
"I don't know what the future holds, but I am praying about
where God would have me be long-term.  Right now, I am
thankful for my position and enjoy what I am doing at the Center."

This, I believe, was a good answer to their question....
until the board of directors questioned my commitment to
the Center long-term.  Since I wouldn't give a "straight" answer
about my future at the Outreach Center, the board interpreted my
response as not being committed to the Center at all.

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.
The grant that would have funded my position (back in October)
fell through.  That same week, I received a phone call
that offered me a wonderful position at my "dream" job.

Months have gone by.  I prayed and waited.  Prayed and waited.
Finally, I decided to commit to the Outreach Center.  The board of
directors met to talk with one another about my position and future here.
When they reached a conclusion (based on our resources), they offered
me 28 hours a week. 

God has a funny way of working things out in the end.  I felt a mix of disappointment
and relief.  With this schedule, I am able to pursue the other opportunity
as well as stay at the Center indefinitely.  This is what I had hoped for from day one.
Unfortunately, this schedule also limits the savings I can put together and will not
sustain me long-term.

Now, I sit and wait.  Praying that God would open doors where
I am meant to take opportunities...
and closes doors when I am meant to stay put.

I am so thankful for my position at the Outreach Center. I am thankful for an understanding supervisor who has supported my professional and personal development since day One.  And I am thankful for a God who is always faithful and has my best interest in mind.

I'm hopeful about my future...excited to see how it all fits together.
And I will, of course, keep you posted when I find out.


Reborn Babies

 Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have you heard about these?

They are created to resemble a real baby - weighing the same
and having lifelike features.

In fact, the woman who creates these babies 
adds imperfections to each one to make them appear
more real.

Some women purchase these "reborn babies" and
raise them as if they were their own.

It's documented in "My Fake Baby", a documentary
on Showtime.

Your thoughts?
Find out more at:
(Reborn Baby Website) - http://www.reborn-baby.com/


Happy New Year!

It is now the year 2011.
I had a great 2010, but I'm ready for a fresh start.
May this year be filled with God's love, friends, family, 
good memories (yet to be created), love, laughter, and blessings.

Here's to a great year!


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